![2017-12-18 13.15.42 [].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54b59922e4b0b0670888543c/1515757382613-1KZKFFDPAHWMMPAZWBO6/2017-12-18+13.15.42+%5B%5D.jpg)

Bedroom Dressers and Sliding Closet Door. The sliding door was made from the same bamboo as the flooring. Drawers are maple europly with Vermont Natural Coatings

Maple Entry Closet with Bamboo flooring back (another vertical extension of the floor). The closet replaced a solid wall, allowing more openness and light by leaving the top open. It also conserved space in a small home by making the cabinet a partition rather than placing the cabinet in front of a wall.

VEIC (aka Efficiency Vermont) had a non-working solar panel kicking around and asked MV to build it into a cabinet for use in their copy room. All of the Europly doors were offcuts from 2-3 earlier projects and the cabinet also includes some scrap ply on the corners.